13-Step Help Desk Problem-Solving Guide

Oct. 22, 2023, Post by Curtis

Having a systematic approach to solving problems can offload some of the mental energy required to solve the problem. It will also make sure you don't forget any steps and gives you options if you get stuck in the troubleshooting phase.


Most of the things on this list are obvious, but easy to forget. Having a list of troubleshooting steps has helped me countless times. At the bottom of this article is just the list with no descriptions. Copy it, print it out, and put it on the wall next to your desk. Add things if you think it needs them.


Rarely will you find a problem that doesn't get solved with this checklist.


As a general rule, always start with the simple things and work your way toward the more complex.


1. Reboot


An obvious one but we've all forgotten this step a time or 2.


You may need to power off and back on, as rebooting does not reload the bootloader. If the computer won't start you should completely unplug it.


2. Check For Updates


Another obvious and easy to forget step.


3. Re-install The Software


  • Most software doesn't completely uninstall and you may need an uninstall tool to get it completely out.
  • You may also try a newer or older version of the software if that's an option.


4. Isolate The Problem


  • Check to see if the problem happens under your login. If not then the problem is probably related to their profile.
  • Close all unneeded software, try running in safe mode.
  • For booting problems, unplug any unneeded peripherals.
  • If they're on wifi, have them connect with an Ethernet cable.


Take as many variables out of the equation as possible, as it is often one of these variables that is the problem.


5. Find A Work Around (Or 2)


Finding a workaround will buy you some time with the user, as they will be able to get their work done while you research the problem.


Often finding a way around the problem will expose what the problem is, or at least, where the problem is. If the indirect route works but the direct route doesn't, the problem probably lies in the difference between those 2 routes.


6. What's Changed


  • Was there any software installed recently?
  • Were there any hardware changes?
  • Has anything changed in their workflow?
  • Any permissions or account changes?
  • Check if updates happened recently. If so, roll them back.


7. Interrogate The User


Get as much information from the user as possible. Often the user has a vital piece of information that you would think they would volunteer, but they may not realize it is the key to the problem.


Sometimes getting the user to discuss the problem will spark a light bulb in their head and they will find the solution to the problem.


Spend time talking to the user and asking them questions before jumping into the troubleshooting process.


8. Gather All Information


Write down all the details associated with the problem.


  • You must gather all the information before asking for help from a coworker so that you can quickly give them the information they need to help. You are asking for their help so do them a favor by making it easy for them.
  • If you get interrupted while working on the problem and don't get back to it for a while, having the information written down will help you start back up right where you left off.
  • You should add all this information to the ticket so that if a similar problem happens, the person assigned to it can use your ticket for clues.


9. Check Internal Documentation


There should be 3 different places where Help Desk documents are located:


  1. A shared folder on the network that everyone on the Help Desk has access to for common "how to's" and procedures.
  2. Search the Help Desk ticketing system to see if the problem has been encountered before.
  3. Your own personal notes. Don't be surprised if you made a note about something a while back and don't remember. Even if you think you don't have any notes on the subject, check anyway.


10. Check Google


Many people go to Google earlier in the troubleshooting process. I put it later in the process as it can be a rabbit hole. There is also a lot of bad information on google so I stick with the tried and true methods and internal documentation first.


11. Check The Event Viewer


The event viewer is a wealth of information and can help with all kinds of problems. It will not only help with software crashes by showing you the associated errors, but it will also show you just about any event that happened at the time of the problem.


Try to duplicate the problem and when you do take note of the time. Then check all the events that happened at that time.


12. Ask The Right Coworker


There's a pretty good chance that a problem that may take you quite some time would take a certain coworker just a few minutes. It's important to know who this coworker is so that you don't waste any time asking people that are no help.


Knowing what everyone's expertise is in the IT department, and also in other departments, will make problem-solving much easier.


Keep a list of who is an expert at what and always be updating it.


13. Consult AI


It sounds a little crazy I know, but there is some really good AI available to anyone, for free right now. It's called Chat GPT and it's amazing.


Chat GPT is like Google, but faster and simpler. Ask a question to Chat GPT and it will get the best answers from the best websites and compile them for you.


Google will give you more options and you can go into more depth by checking website after website, but Chat GPT will give you a concise answer to what the "internet as a whole" thinks the answer is.


Make sure to put in very specific questions to get the most precise answer. A general question will result in a generic answer.


Here is a link to Chat GPT


Tell The User You'll Call Them Back


Don't spend too much time troubleshooting with the user still on the phone. At some point, you'll need to tell them that you need to do some research and consult with colleagues. Sometimes just taking a break from a problem is exactly what you need to solve the problem.


Not every problem can be solved quickly and you need to recognize when it is time to tell the user you will get back to them. This is one of the reasons to gather as much information as possible and write it down so that you can continue working on the problem after you get off the phone with the user.



Copy The List


Here are all the steps in one list so you can copy and paste them into your notes or print them and pin them on the wall next to your desk.


  • Reboot
  • Updates
  • Re-Install The Software
  • Isolate The Problem
  • Find A Work Around (Or 2)
  • What's Changed
  • Interrogate The User
  • Gather All The Information
  • Check Internal Documentation
  • Check Google
  • Check The Event Viewer
  • Ask The Right Coworker
  • Consult AI
  • Tell The User You'll Get Back To Them